Shiny Lime Green Star


Welcome !

"you are dazzling and terrifying - those words are not as removed from one another as you might think."

  • louise, 30s, she/her, infp/intp
  • aquarius ☉ - gemini ☽ - aquarius ↑


change log

29 OCT 24 » trying to figure out how to make a side folder that uses the same html... am i explaining this right lol

25 OCT 24 » minor updates. trying to figure out how folders work D:

24 OCT 24 » made lots of updates to the html and css. made some folders for testing.

What's Up

just testing out the html and stuff atm

now that i've set up the "main" section, i'm not really sure what to put in here... i'll have to think about this